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This page searches resources on the Great Western Coffee Shop.

(1)You may enter literal text including letters, digits, spaces and some special characters (!@=:;,/- and . at present). You may also use * (any characters) and ? (any one character) as wildcards. All searches are case insensitive and will find one word within another!
(2)By default, Results are sorted by the number of matches, with matching station names first sorted by passenger numbers. Alternative is to sort by date; note that each document is assigned a 'key' date which is used for sorting.
(3)You can choose how many results (after they are sorted) are presented
(4)This search page can look through:
* Public posts on the forum - there are over 20,000 threads
  Results will list only one article per thread if a thread contains multiple matching posts.
* Indexed mirrored documents - there are around 900 in our archive
* Station details - there are over 2,500 National Rail stations
* Unindexed archive documents - there are around 900 of these
(5)By default, only threads from the last 3 years are searched. Logged in members can search further back if they wish (if you are not logged in we just look back 3 years).
(6)By default, all matching results are considered for presentation. You may choose to select only results that match multiple times if you wish; to give you an idea, the number of matches is shown in the right hand column of each result
(7)By default, all matching mirror results are considered for presentation. You may select documents by their importance if you wish. In the results, key documents are inidcated by a "++" link, important ones by a "+" link, general interest ones by "-" and other which we mirror by "--".
->Very few results apply to a single date. We have selected to index by what we feel is the most appropriate date in each case - for example by the date a report is published, the date a timetable starts, or the date of an accident.
->Please note that many of the documents we mirror are subject to copyrights and we provide you with original links on our result pages which anyone can follow. The Web is dynamic, though, and they may no longer be current. Mirrored documents that are offered in the search results can be accessed from the mirror by logged in members with a few "whitelisted" and available to anyone. Further reading on this issue - see Copyright and intellectual property at the Wayback engine. Like the Wayback engine, we have no desire to mirror / serve pages beyond what the 'owner' wishes; please contact us via if you wish us to remove something, making it clear that you have appropriate ownership.

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